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March 19–23, 2006
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Dallas, Texas
The Premier Global Event In Power Electronics™

Rap Sessions

Session 1: "Is There Money In Digital Power?"

Moderator: Ami Joseph, Thomas Weisel Partners

Landmark Ballroom A

Digital power has become the new buzzword in the industry. CEO's who embrace it believe their stocks will go up instantaneously, and analysts who follow it use it as an investment theme for buying stocks. As a result, any company with a mixed-signal engineer is claiming they will have a digital power product. But who is really making money in digital power and who is just talking?

Session 2: "China - Promise Or Peril?"

Moderator: Alix Paultre, Electronic Products

Landmark Ballroom B

Is China just another place for low-cost manufacturing, or does its size and growth represent something new? Will China be more valuable as a market, or more costly as a competitor? Is the issue of IP theft strong enough to bring about change in China, or will there always be piracy on such a great scale? What about China's emergence as a design center? Come and participate in a freewheeling panel discussion on the ramifications of doing business with this great nation.

Session 3: "Got Power?  Is The Power Electronics Industry Ripe For Self Promotion?"

Moderator: Arnold Alderman, Anagenesis, Inc

Landmark Ballroom C

Do events like the recent US Energy Bill, and government agencies globally pushing for better efficiency give us a window of opportunity to put power electronics on everybody's dashboard? Today there is a chasm between the value of power electronics as a business enabler and our industry's image. Is it possible to make the power electronics industry sizzle, or are we doomed to be the unknown of the unknowns? Come join us and share your opinion and ideas!

Admission To The Rap Sessions Is Free
With An Exhibits Only Registration!

Discussion-Stimulating Refreshments Will Be Served


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URL: http://www.apec-conf.org/APEC06_Rap.html
Original: 08 Oct 2005, Modified: 14 Jan 2006