Article : [99ART161]
Titre : F. MONTERDE, J.M. BURDIO, P. HERNANDEZ, J.R. GARCIA, Unipolar voltage-cancellation control of resonant inverters for induction cooking appliances, IECON '98.
Cité dans :[99DIV084] Recherche sur les mots clés RESONAN* ou INDUCTION* ou HEATING, juin 2004.Auteur : Monterde, F.
Appear : in Industrial Electronics Society, 1998. IECON '98. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the IEEE
Page : 820 - 824 vol.2
Date : 31 Aug.-4 Sept. 1998
ISBN : 0-7803-4503-7, IEEE Catalog Number: 98CH36200, Total Pages: 4 vol. xxix+2635, Accession Number : 6147396
Lien : private/724199.pdf - 5 pages, 331 Ko.
Abstract :
Generally, power inverters for induction cooking appliances are
controlled by varying frequency to control current through the
inductor coil. When more than one power converter is operated at
different frequencies greater than audible noise upper threshold,
low frequency interharmonics are generated in common impedance
due to nonlinear effects. Suppression of audible noise in
multiple-coils induction cookers leads to high-performance
fixed-frequency control. This paper presents a new unipolar
voltage-cancellation control for series resonant inverters. This
control strategy is used in full-bridge topologies for induction
cookers, allowing fixed frequency control with ZVS operation over
a wide power range. Performance of current-mode and
voltage-cancellation is improved. This control is implemented in
a series-resonant full-bridge inverter for induction cookers
using IGBTs and digital control implemented in a PLD which can be
easily implemented in an ASIC for mass production.
Subjet_terms :
induction heating; unipolar voltage-cancellation control;
resonant inverters; induction cooking appliances; power
inverters; low frequency interharmonics; common impedance;
nonlinear effects; audible noise suppression; multiple-coils
induction cookers; high-performance fixed-frequency control;
full-bridge topologies; fixed frequency control; ZVS operation;
current-mode performance; series-resonant full-bridge inverter;
IGBT; digital control; ASIC; PLD; programmable logic device
Reference_cited : 8
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