Article : [99ART157]
Titre : F.A. HULIEHEL, W. TANG, F.C. LEE, B.H. CHO, Modeling, analysis, and design of the quasi-average current-mode control, APEC'93.
Cité dans : [CONF001] APEC, Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, juillet 2008. Cité dans : [DIV007] Classement par type de Congrés et de revues IEEE, avril 2003.Auteur : Huliehel, F.A.
Appears : Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 1993. APEC '93. Conference Proceedings 1993., Eighth Annual
Page : 737 - 744
Date : 7-11 March 1993
ISBN : 0-7803-0983-9, Total Pages: 927, Accession Number : 4710477
Lien : private/290753.pdf
Abstract :
A current-mode control technique, quasi-average-current-mode
control (QACC), is studied for DC/DC power convertors. A
small-signal model is developed for QACC. The model is derived
for converters operating in the continuous conduction mode. It is
accurate up to half of the switching frequency. The proposed
small-signal model is used to assess the dynamics of PWM
converters with QACC, and to compare its performance to the
current-inject control (CIC) and charge control (CC) schemes. As
in CC, the QACC converges to CIC at light loads close to the
boundary between continuous and discontinuous conduction modes.
The dynamics of converters with QACC or CC are more sensitive to
load change and less sensitive to line change than converters
with CIC, especially the current loop dynamics.<>
Subjet_terms :
DC/DC power convertors; design; quasi-average-current-mode
control; small-signal model; continuous conduction mode;
switching frequency; dynamics; performance; current-inject
control; charge control; loads; load change; line change; current
loop dynamics; control system synthesis; electric current
control; load (electric); power convertors; switching circuits
Reference_cited : 23
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