Article : [99ART128]
Titre : Y. SEKI, N. IWAMURO, Dual Gate MOS Thyristor (DGMOT), ISPSD'93, Monterey.
Cité dans : [CONF007] ISPSD, Internationnal Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices & Integrated Circuits Cité dans : [DIV203] Recherche sur les mots clés THYRISTOR* et DUAL*, le 30 mars 2001. Cité dans :[99ART124]Auteur : SEKI Y.
Lien : 99ART124.HTM#Bibliographie - référence [10].
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/SEKI1.pdf - 321 Ko, 6 pages.
Lien : private/SEKI.htm - 460 Ko, recherche CATAGNE du 2 avril 2001.
Source : Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs, 1993. ISPSD '93., Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on
Pages : 159 - 164
Date : 18-20 May 1993
ISBN : 0-7803-1313-5
Info : Total Pages : xviii+324
References : 7
Accession_Number : 4700709
Abstract :
A novel MOS-gated thyristor structure called the dual-gate MOS
thyristor (DGMOT) is proposed. In this device the insulated-gate
bipolar transistor (IGBT) mode turn-off is attained due to the
integration of a lateral n-MOSFET with the thyristor structure,
while the thyristor mode operation is achieved in the on-state.
Consequently, the on-state voltage of the DGMOT is much lower
than that of the IGBT with almost the same turn-off time. This
result suggests that the DGMOT could be a superior alternative to
the IGBT for a low-frequency circuit.
Subject_terms :
IGBT mode turn-off; MOS-gated thyristor structure; dual-gate MOS
thyristor; lateral n-MOSFET; on-state voltage; turn-off time;
low-frequency circuit; metal-insulator-semiconductor devices;
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