Article : [99ART123]
Titre : J.W. KOLAR, H. SREE, N. MOHAN, F.C. ZACH, Novel aspects of an application of 'zero'-ripple techniques to basic converter topologies, PESC'97.
Cité dans : [CONF012] PESC, Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PELS Society, juin 2007. Cité dans : [DIV006] PESC'97, 28TH IEEE POWER ELECTRONICS SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE, June 22-27, 1997.Auteur : Kolar, J.W.
Appears : Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 1997. PESC '97 Record., 28th Annual IEEE
Page : 796 - 803 vol.1
Date : 22-27 June 1997
ISBN : 0-7803-3840-5, IEEE Catalog Number: 97CH36043, Total Pages: 2 vol. xxxi+1567, Accession Number : 5684747
Abstract :
Based on a short summary of the theoretical basics of the
zero-ripple current phenomenon a special zero input current
ripple boost converter topology as presented in the literature is
investigated. It is shown that the complete suppression of the
input current ripple of the system is only given in a theoretical
extreme case. For a practical realization only such a ripple
reduction of the input current of the basic converter structure
is obtained as corresponds to a simple low-pass input filter.
This is proven by a detailed analysis also for a zero-ripple Cuk
and for a zero-ripple SEPIC converter structure. Furthermore, it
is shown that the realization of a zero-ripple Cuk or zero-ripple
SEPIC converter is not linked to a magnetic coupling of the input
and output inductors, but can also be achieved by a simple
rearrangement of the elements of the basic converter structures.
There one can see that the operating behavior of a zero input
current ripple SEPIC converter is equivalent to the operating
behavior of a buck-boost converter stage with LC input filter.
Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of the different
realization approaches of zero-ripple topologies are compared.
Also, an outlook towards the planned further treatment of the
topic is given.
Subjet_terms :
DC-DC power convertors; zero-ripple techniques; converter
topologies; zero input current ripple boost converter topology;
zero-ripple current; input current ripple suppression; simple
low-pass input filter; zero-ripple Cuk converter; zero-ripple
SEPIC converter; buck-boost converter stage; LC input filter
Reference_cited : 19
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