L. LEIPOLD, C. FELLINGER, "600 V/5 A FET-triggered lateral opto-triac"
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Article : [TRIAC021]

Info : INSPEC Answer Number 30 - 29/09/1999

Titre : L. LEIPOLD, C. FELLINGER, 600 V/5 A FET-triggered lateral opto-triac

Cité dans : [DIV066]  Recherche sur le mot clé : TRIAC*
Cité dans : [DATA044] Articles pertinents sur les TRIACs classées par années.
Cité dans : [DATA048] Articles d'applications sur les TRIACs classées par années.
Cité dans :[THESE020]
Auteur : L. Leipold
Auteur : C. Fellinger, (Components Div., Siemens AG, Munich, West Germany)

Lien : THESE020.HTM#Bibliographie - référence [10] (même auteur ...).
Source : International Electron Devices Meeting. Technical Digest New York, NY, USA: IEEE, 1982.
Pages : 261 à 263 of 812pp.
Conference : San Francisco, CA, USA, Sponsor(s): IEEE, Price: CCCC CH1832-5/82/0000-0261$00.75
Date : 13-15 Dec 1982
Language : English
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU

Abstract :
Besides being used in the production of MOS transistors, the SIPMOS (short for SIemens Power MOS) technology permits the
manufacture of components in which bipolar and MOS structures are functionally integrated, e.g. an FET-controlled optotriac.
This component consists of two inverse-parallel connected lateral thyristors which are driven with the aid of vertical MOS
transistors. A highly sensitive phototransistor supplies the gate voltage of the vertical MOS transistors. The lateral
thyristors are implemented by means of interlocking, finger-like structures which enable good chip utilization. The triac
features a 4*4 mm2 chip and has a blocking voltage of more than 600 V in both directions. An LED current of 2 mA is
sufficient to trigger the component. For a continuous current of 5 A this results in a current-transfer-ratio of 2500 to 1.


Supplementary_Indexing : FET triggered lateral optotriac; SIPMOS; MOS structures; inverse-parallel connected lateral thyristors; phototransistor; interlocking; LED current

Accession_Number : 1983:2033079

Références : 3 refs.

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