Gao Guang-bo; Chen An; Gui Xiang, "A layer damage model for calculating thermal fatigue lifetime of power devices", 1986.
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Article : [SHEET163]

Info : INSPEC Answer Number 90 - 22/02/2000

Titre : Gao Guang-bo; Chen An; Gui Xiang, A layer damage model for calculating thermal fatigue lifetime of power devices, 1986.

Cité dans : [DATA035] Recherche sur les mots clés thermal + fatigue + semiconductor et reliability + thermal + cycle, mars 2004.
Cité dans : [DIV334]  Recherche sur les mots clés power cycling of power device, mai 2002.
Cité dans :[PAP360]
Auteur : Gao Guang-bo
Auteur : Chen An
Auteur : Gui Xiang (Dept. of Radio-Electron., Beijing Polytech. Univ., China)

Source : 24th Annual Proceedings Reliability Physics 1986 (Cat. No.86CH2256-6) New York, NY, USA: IEEE,
Date : 1986
Pages : 79 - 86 of viii+282 pp.
Références : 15 refs.
Conference : Anaheim, CA, USA, 1-3 April 1986
Sponsor(s) : IEEE
Price: CCCC CH2256-6/86/0000-0079$01.00
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : Theoretical
Info : Country of Publication : United States
Language : English

Abstract :
A layer damage model for calculating thermal fatigue lifetime of
power devices is proposed that is based on the experimental data
during device power cycling, the mechanical behavior of solder
material, and by introducing a new concept, layer damage factor beta
. The model can be used in estimating fatigue lifetime, evaluating
soldering quality, obtaining accelerated lifetime plot, designing
chip backside metallizations, etc. Experimental results have been
shown to support the theory.

Accession_Number : 1987:2789382

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