A.R. BROWN, A. ASENOV, J.R. BARKER, "3D parallel finite element simulation of in-cell breakdown in lateral-channel IGBTs", 1998.
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Article : [SHEET139]

Info : COMPENDEX Numéro de réponse 28 - 22/02/2000

Titre : A.R. BROWN, A. ASENOV, J.R. BARKER, 3D parallel finite element simulation of in-cell breakdown in lateral-channel IGBTs, 1998.

Cité dans : [DATA036] Recherche sur les mots clés 3D simulation with ISE for semiconductor, 2000.
Auteur : Brown, A.R. (Univ of Glasgow, Scotland, UK); Asenov, A.; Barker, J.R.

Source : VLSI Design v 8 n 1-4 1998.
Pages : 99 - 103
Année : 1998
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Theoretical
Language : English
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU

Abstract :
In this paper we describe the use of 3D parallel finite element
solution of the Poisson equation to calculate the in-cell breakdown
voltage in lateral channel IGBTs.The solver is based on
topologically rectangular grids, and uses a domain decomposition
approach to partition the problem on an array of mesh connected
processors.A parallel BiCGSTAB solver has been developed to solve
the Poisson equation.Hole and electron ionization integrals are
calculated to determine the breakdown voltage.The effects of varying
the doping concentration in the n minus base region and stopper
surface concentration are investigated.(Author abstract)

References : 6 Refs.

Accession_Number : 1999(7):1180

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