B. L. Meng, H. Gualous, D. Bouquain, A. Djerdir, A. Berthon, J.M. Kauffmann, "Thermal modeling and behavior of ultracapacitors for electric vehicle", EPE'2001.
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Article : [PAP340]

Titre : B. L. Meng, H. Gualous, D. Bouquain, A. Djerdir, A. Berthon, J.M. Kauffmann, Thermal modeling and behavior of ultracapacitors for electric vehicle, EPE'2001.

Cité dans : [DIV174]  EPE'2001, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Graz, Autriche, 27-28 août 2001.
Auteur : Meng L
Auteur : Gualous Hamid
Auteur : Bouquain David, CREEBEL
Auteur : Djerdir Abdesslem
Auteur : Berthon Alain, L2ES-CREEBEL, France
Auteur : Kauffmann Jean-Marie, IGE-L2ES

Congrés : 9th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications"
Date : du 25 au 29 août 2001
Lien : private/PP00904.pdf - 84 Ko, 6 pages
Adresse : L2ES - IGE (LRE-T31, INRETS) - 2, avenue Jean Moulin 90000 - BELFORT, FRANCE
CREEBEL - 1, rue Morimont 90008 - BELFORT, FRANCE
Tel. : 003384578215
Fax. : 0033384570032
Lien : mailto:gualous@ige.univ-fcomte.fr

Keywords : New devices Ultracapacitor, Thermal modeling, Electrical modeling.

Résumé :
The aim of this paper is to define the thermal behavior of ultracapacitors using an electrical
model taking into account thermal variations of the device and its environment. Ultracapacitors of
2700 F and 3700 F have been tested. An equivalent circuit is proposed to describe the electrical and
the thermal behavior of the ultracapacitors. The model obtained is implemented in Saber and Spice
software for simulation. The equivalent circuit response and the experimental results are compared
and analyzed.

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