P.N. ENJETI, A. RAHMAN, "A New Single-Phase to Three-Phase Converter with Active Input Curent Shaping for Low Cost AC Motor Drives", in Conf. Rac. IAS, 1990, pp. 935-939.
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Article : [PAP237]

Titre : P.N. ENJETI, A. RAHMAN, A New Single-Phase to Three-Phase Converter with Active Input Curent Shaping for Low Cost AC Motor Drives, in Conf. Rac. IAS, 1990, pp. 935-939.

Cité dans :[99DIV134] Recherche sur l'auteur Prasad N. ENJETI, mars 2001.
Cité dans : [ART003]  P.N. ENJETI, A. RAHMAN, A New Single-Phase to Three-Phase Converter with Active Input Curent Shaping for Low Cost AC Motor Drives, IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 29, no 4, july-august 1993, pp. 806-813.
Cité dans : [CONF017] IAS, World Conference on Industrial Applications of Electrical Energy, octobre 2003.
Cité dans :[SHEET471]
Auteur : Prasad N. Enjeti
Auteur : Ashek Rahman - Dept. of Electr. Eng., Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX, USA

Lien : SHEET471.HTM#Bibliographie - référence [8]
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/ENJETI6.pdf - 3590 Ko, 8 pages.
Source : Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 1990., Conference Record of the 1990 IEEE
Pages : 935 - 942
Volume : 2
Date : 7-12 Oct. 1990
ISBN : 0-87942-553-9
Info : Total Pages : 2 vol. 2079

Abstract :
A single-phase-to-three-phase converter for a low-cost AC motor
drive is proposed. The converter employs only six switches and
incorporates a front-end half-bridge active rectifier structure
that provides the DC link with an active input current shaping
feature, which results in sinusoidal input current at close to
unity power factor. The front-end rectifier in the converter
permits bidirectional power flow and provides for excellent
regulation against fluctuations in source voltage, facilitating
regenerative braking of the AC motor drive. A control strategy
that maintains a near-unity power factor over the full operating
range and is easy to implement is described. Suitable design
guides for the selection of filter components are presented.
Simulation and experimental results that verify the developed
theoretical models are also presented.

Subject_terms :
single-to-3-phase convertor; AC motor drives; front-end
half-bridge active rectifier; active input current shaping;
near-unity power factor; AC motors; electric drives; power
convertors; rectifying circuits

References : 11

Accession_Number : 4022614

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