W. JABLONSKI, R. STRZELECKI, "Methods of static power frequency converters synthesis", EUROCON 86, April 1986, pp.448-453.
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Article : [PAP187]

Info : ANSWER 120 , le 29/01/2001.

Titre : W. JABLONSKI, R. STRZELECKI, Methods of static power frequency converters synthesis, EUROCON 86, April 1986, pp.448-453.

Cité dans : [DIV175]  Recherche sur les mots clés DESIGN et STATIC et CONVERTER.
Auteur : Jablonski, W. (Technical Univ of Bydgoszcz, Pol)
Auteur : Strzelecki, R.

Meeting : 7th European Conference on Electrotechnics: Advanced Technologies and Processes in Communication and Power Systems - EUROCON 86.
Location : Paris, Fr
Date : 21 Apr 1986-23 Apr 1986
Info : organization : IEEE, New York, NY, USA; EUREL; SEE
Source : Publ by Comite EUROCON 86, Paris, Fr.Available from IEEE Service Cent (Cat n 86CH2324-2), Piscataway, NJ, USA p 448-453
Année : 1986
Meeting_Number : 09888
Document_Type : Conference Article
Language : English
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU, le 12 février 2001.

Abstract :
Methods are presented for the synthesis of static inverter systems
exemplified by the three-phase direct frequency converter with
forced commutation.The optimum parameters of the approximation
signal and the minimum number of approximation levels with given
root-mean-square or current for the systems, both with output
filters and without them, are determined.The methods used simplify
considerably the structure of static inverters and permit their
modular design as well as an arbitrary output voltage quality.

Refrences : 12 refs.

Accession_Number : 1987(8):130015 COMPENDEX

Informations from INSPEC


Source : 7th European Conference on Electrotechnics: Advanced Technologies and Processes in Communication and Power Systems. EUROCON 86
Info : Paris, France: Comite EUROCON 86, April 1986. p.448-53 of xxxiii+695 pp. 12 refs.
Conference : Paris, France, 21-23 April 1986
Sponsors : IEEE; EUREL; SEE
Language : English

Abstract :
Methods are presented for the synthesis of static inverter systems
exemplified by the three-phase direct frequency converter with
forced communication. The optimum parameters of the approximation
signal and the minimum number of approximation levels with given
root-mean-square current for the systems, both with output filters
and without them, are determined. The methods used simplify
considerably the structure of static inverters and permit their
modular design as well as an arbitrary output voltage quality.

Accession_Number : 1987:2955838 INSPEC

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