M.-H. BAO, "Micro mechanical transducers: pressure sensors, accelerometers & gyroscopes (handbook of sensors and actuators 8)", 07-2000, 390 pages.
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Livre : [LIVRE281]

Titre : M.-H. BAO, Micro mechanical transducers: pressure sensors, accelerometers & gyroscopes (handbook of sensors and actuators 8), 07-2000, 390 pages.

Auteur : Min-Hang BAO

Stockage : Bibliothèque LMP, fiche LMP2001-18c
Référence : 2001-xx/LMP
Date_d'achat : 9 novembre 2001
Prix_UHT : 1378.92 F

Date : 07-2000
Langue : ANGLAIS
Pages : 1 - 390
Format : 17x24
Site : http://www.lavoisier.fr/
Vers : Résumé
Vers : Sommaire
Vers : Thèmes du livre

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Some years ago, silicon-based mechanical sensors, like pressure sensors, accelerometers, and gyroscopes, started their successful advance. The underlying physics and technology of silicon-based mechanical sensors is rather complex and is treated in numerous publications scattered throughout the literature. Therefore, a clear need existed for a handbook that thoroughly and systematically reviews the present basic knowledge on these devices. Everybody, involved in designing silicon-based mechanical sensors, will find a wealth of useful information in the book, assisting the designer in obtaining highly optimized devices.



Introduction to micro mechanical transducers.
Basic mechanics of beam and diaphragm structures.
Air damping.
Electrostatic driving and capacitive sensing.
Piezoresistive sensing.
Piezoresistive pressure transducers.
Piezoresistive accelerometers.
Capacitive pressure transducers and accelerometers.

Thèmes du livre


Appareillages spécifiques (capteurs, détecteurs, spectromètres, technologie du vide, haute pression)
Théories - Appareillages - Dispositifs à l'état solide - composants

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