J.L. UCLES, J.M. SILIATO, R.E. WASSMER, E.R. HERR, "Hierarchical models give new simulation accuracy", 1990.
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Article : [ART253]

Info : REPONSE 14, le 13/05/2002.

Titre : J.L. UCLES, J.M. SILIATO, R.E. WASSMER, E.R. HERR, Hierarchical models give new simulation accuracy, 1990.

Cité dans : [DATA240] Recherche sur l'auteur E. HERR, mai 2002.
Auteur : Ucles, J.L.
Auteur : Siliato, J.M.
Auteur : Wassmer, R.E.
Auteur : Herr, E.R.

Source : Signal
Date : July 1990
Volume : 44
Numéro : 11
Pages : 29 - 32
Référence : 0 refs.
ISSN : 0037-4938
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Application
Info : Country of Publication : United States
Language : English
Stockage :
Switches :
Power :
Software :

Abstract :
The ability to model command, control and communications systems
accurately and to run simulations quickly in support of decision-making
processes is a major and often conflicting goal of military systems
modelers. Technical developments provide a modeling and simulation
approach that allows for high resolution models to be used where they are
critical but also ensures that simulation run times are tolerable. The
hierarchy of models allows the modeler to use simple models whenever
possible to overcome the complexities and iterations that will increase
the times for simulation runs, yet retain the properties of highly
detailed models. This technique provides ease of validation without losing
model flexibility and interchange agility, which is made possible through
this modular approach. A methodology exists for creating and modifying
hierarchical models through the use of graphical symbols, relieving the
analyst of the complexities of managing large simulation models. This new
methodology allows serious modelers to design complex models as they are
best understood-hierarchically along physical lines and documented with
both text and graphics.

Accession_Number : 1990:3718118 INSPEC

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