C. FINDEISEN, E. HERR, M. SCHENKEL, R. SCHLEGEL, H.R. ZELLER, "Extrapolation of cosmic ray induced failures from test to field conditions for IGBT modules", Microelectronics and Reliability, Vol. 38, No. 6-8, Jun-Aug 1998, pp. 1335-1339.
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Article : [ART245]

Info : REPONSE 5, le 13/05/2002.

Titre : C. FINDEISEN, E. HERR, M. SCHENKEL, R. SCHLEGEL, H.R. ZELLER, Extrapolation of cosmic ray induced failures from test to field conditions for IGBT modules, Microelectronics and Reliability, Vol. 38, No. 6-8, Jun-Aug 1998, pp. 1335-1339.

Cité dans :[REVUE253] Elsevier Science, Microelectronics Reliability, Volume 38, Issues 6-8, Pages 851-1366, 8 June 1998.
Cité dans : [DATA240] Recherche sur l'auteur E. HERR, mai 2002.
Cité dans :[ART227]
Auteur : C. Findeisen (ABB Semiconductors AG, Lenzburg, Switz)
Auteur : E. Herr
Auteur : M. Schenkel
Auteur : R. Schlegel
Auteur : H.R. Zeller

Vers : Bibliographie
Lien : ART227.HTM#Bibliographie - référence [31].

Source : Microelectronics and Reliability
Volume : 38
Numéro : 6-8
Date : Jun-Aug 1998
Pages : 1335 - 1339
ISSN : 0026-2714
Année : 1998
Infos : Document Type : Journal - Treatment Code : Experimental
Language : English
Stockage :
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Power :
Software :

Abstract :
Recently it was found that biased high voltage IGBTs are more
vulnerable to cosmic ray failures than devices like GTOs or thyristors.In
order to obtain a reliable extrapolation from test to operating field
conditions acceleration factors other than voltage are needed.For this
purpose we exposed IGBTs and module diodes to an accelerator neutron beam
and to the enhanced cosmic ray flux at 3580 m altitude above sea level.We
conclude that neutrons are the most critical particles in cosmic rays with
regard to potential device failures.(Author abstract)

Accession_Number : 1999(4):1232 COMPENDEX



Références : 7 Refs.

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