T. HOSOROGI, "Longer, more reliable switching life is achieved with solid-state relays.", Journal of Electronic Engineering, Vol.20, N° 199, pp 48-52, July 1983.
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Article : [99ART051]

Titre : T. HOSOROGI, Longer, more reliable switching life is achieved with solid-state relays., Journal of Electronic Engineering, Vol.20, N° 199, pp 48-52, July 1983.

Auteur : Hosorogi, Takao (Idec Izumi Corp., Tokyo, Japan)

Cité dans : [DIV137]  Recherche sur les mots clés : FIABILIT* ou RELIABILITY, octobre 1999.
Source : JEE (Journal of Electronic Engineering) (July 1983) vol.20, no.199, p.48-52. 0 refs.
CODEN : JEENDL ISSN: 0385-4507
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Info : INSPEC Numéro de réponse 2 - STN Easy le 21 mai 1999

Abstract :
A solid-state relay (SSR) is a contactless logic relay with switching functions implemented by a semiconductor load.
Its input and output are electrically insulated by photocoupling. Compared with an electromagnetic relay, a solid-state
relay has faster operation, longer service life, higher sensitivity, and greater reliability. As the demand grows for
small, high-performance controller outputs components, solid-state relays will satisfy it. The author describes how an
SSR operates and how they are used.

Accession_Number : 83:2145020

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