"Single phase induction machine simulation using the electromagnetic transients program : theory and test cases."
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Référence : [99ART027]

Titre : Single phase induction machine simulation using the electromagnetic transients program : theory and test cases.

Author : Domijan, Alexander Jr. (Univ of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA); Yin, Yuexin

Publication_Source :
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion v 9 n 3 Sept 1994.p 535-542CODEN: ITCNE4
ISSN: 0885-8969
Publication Year
Document Type
Treatment Code
21 Session Transcript Apr 06 17:06:09 1999
Application; Theoretical

Abstract :
This paper investigates the transient phenomena of capacitor induction machines. Machine
equations are evaluated using a digital algorithm according to Electromagnetic Transients
Program (EMTP) Universal Machine (UM) modeling. The transformation equations provide
a unique method which is suited for the special case configuration of a singlephase induction
machine. The simulation results are compared with a published analog computer simulation,
as well as laboratory testing results. Good agreements using these approaches are
observed.This verifies that EMTP is a valid simulation tool for singlephase induction
machine analysis. Also, an application of the simulation in choices of capacitor for
single phase machinery is discussed.(Author abstract) 15 Refs.

Accession_Number : 95(4):3630

COMPENDEX : Numéro de réponse 2

Cité dans : [DIV152]  Recherche sur les mots clés : UNIVERSAL MOTOR + SINGLE PHASE

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